fanart in Underverse Bad Guy Squad


Abit of fun-

I lied...

A bunch of human sans ocs ( God help )

Melamine sans the assassin sketches

Killer Sans

Dusttale Sans

Inspired by the great dusttale fnf mod by WassabiSoja

3rror Sans

void sans

I maked these sanses with this scratch game and photoshop(a bit of sans is of my family)I will make sanses of my aus soon:

Some Horrortale sans drawing


i haven't posted on here that much so here's smt i did a while ago

it's a mix between undyne the undying and Girsu the orcust mekknight

hope you like ^w^^

also the lill boi at the bottom is a guy from undertale duel monsters -w-

Undernab fred Vs Homicidetale sans